by Auggie Campbell | Oct 30, 2018
Click through to get all the details before election day to help you make a decision on how to vote for Prop A: ReBuild Houston Factsheet
by Auggie Campbell | Oct 27, 2018
Learn more about the proposal that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Texas General Land Office are recommending as part of a hurricane protection plan.
by Auggie Campbell | Oct 15, 2018
The recently approved Water Infrastructure Act included two of U.S. Senator John Cornyn’s provisions to advance storm mitigation projects along Texas’ coast. “One piece of the bill allows the Army Corps of Engineers to expedite a study on the so-called Coastal Spine...
by Auggie Campbell | Sep 25, 2018
The Willow Fork Drainage District (WFDD) honored Houston Stronger and other organizations and individuals for their selfless acts during and after Hurricane Harvey with a “Harvey’s Heroes” Award. “There are so many deserving individuals and organizations that...
by Auggie Campbell | Sep 1, 2018
On August 25, Harris County voters approved by nearly 86% a $2.5 billion bond to fund flood damage reduction and resiliency projects. The overwhelming approval at the ballot sends a strong message to public officials that voters support resiliency and are willing to...