This page has a list of helpful links that provide information on the various projects concerning Harris County Flood Control, the City of Houston, and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. The information and database’s found here do not belong to the Houston Stronger Coalition. For more information click on the logo‘s in each tabbed section.
- Harris County MAAPnext
- Build Houston Forward
- Harris County Flood Education Mapping Tool
- Region 6 San Jacinto Flood Planning Region
- Texas Water Development Board Flood Planning
“Build Houston Forward (ReBuild Houston) is the city’s program to enhance, improve and maintain our streets and drainage systems without accruing additional debt.
Houston is a unique place with a unique set of needs to keep the city flowing, growing and moving. First, Houston’s weather and soil structure make all our streets especially prone to potholes. Then add a Houston-sized number of large trucks hauling massive loads that also cause extra wear and tear on local roads. Finally, Houston is the only city of its size with no zoning. This makes planning drainage, especially during heavy storms, a challenge.”
“The purpose of the Harris County Flood Control District’s Flood Education Mapping Tool is to provide information about the boundaries of mapped floodplains in Harris County relative to residences, businesses and other structures. Floodplains are officially delineated on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM or floodplain map) for Harris County. While the floodplains shown on the Flood Education Mapping Tool are the floodplains delineated on the FIRM, the Flood Education Mapping Tool is not the effective FIRM.
The Flood Education Mapping Tool was initially developed as a mapping tool for the Tropical Storm Allison Recovery Project (TSARP), which was launched shortly after Tropical Storm Allison struck Harris County in June 2001. Its purpose was to serve as a tool for Harris County residents to learn the location of their properties in relation to mapped 1 percent (100-year), 0.2 percent (500-year) and coastal floodplains. The Flood Education Mapping Tool includes regularly-updated floodplain information from the FIRM for Harris County, interactive legend options, a simple map display and easy map navigation.”
Region 6 San Jacinto Flood Planning Region
Click to visit: []
The Texas Water
Development Board Flood Planning
Click to visit: []