Our Motivation

After the devastating effects of Hurricane Harvey, Houston Stronger formed to work with federal, state and local officials on increasing funding for flood mitigation and flood-related infrastructure improvements.

Houston Stronger supported the passage of Proposition A1, the $2.5 billion flood bond to invest equitably to reduce Harris County’s flood risk by executing over 230 regional flood control projects in all of Harris County’s 23 watersheds. (1passed Aug. 25, 2018)

During the 86th Legislative Session, Houston Stronger partnered with members of the Texas Legislature and Texas leadership to approve $2 billion in funding for flood control, planning, recovery, and resiliency across Texas.

Houston Stronger is currently working on the Buffalo Bayou Community Plan and continues to work with area elected officials and agencies on flood recovery and mitigation. Houston Stronger will maintain its outreach efforts to organizations and to address any concerns they may have with the Buffalo Bayou Community Plan. As we proceed through the conceptual phase we are also providing updates to our members and our elected officials.


Mission Statement

Houston Stronger is a coalition of civic groups, business associations and active citizens from throughout the Texas Gulf Coast region dedicated to working with local, state and federal officials to implement a comprehensive regional flood control plan that safeguards our citizens and property.

Our Goals

Our goal is simple: to advocate for the funding resources required to help our entire region to finish the job that area leaders started to address in the 1940s, on fixing our drainage and flooding issues.

Houston Stronger, formed after Hurricane Harvey, is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit that advocates for federal, state, and local funding to support flood reduction and resiliency projects around Greater Houston through collaborative engagements with local, state and federal officials. Houston Stronger’s coalition of over 35 organizations of civic, business associations and environmental group working together to organize funding and plans for resiliency and flood control projects to provide protection in an 8-county area in the Texas Gulf Coast Region.

Our Track Record of Success

  • Worked with our congressional delegation to direct $17.4 billion in federal aid to the Houston/Galveston U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as part of the Bipartisan Budget Act (2018)
  • Advocated for passage of $2.5 billion of local Harris County Flood Control District Bonds (2018)
  • Lobbied for $1.7 Billion to fund the creation of the Texas Flood Infrastructure Fund and the establishment of the statewide Regional Flood Planning Groups (2019)
  • Provided critical feedback to the USACE Buffalo Bayou and Tributaries Study Interim Report, with a four-part alternative plan to achieve effective, community-supported, flooding solutions known as the Buffalo Bayou Community Plan (2020)
  • Supported legislation to create the Gulf Coast Protection District and to increase bonding capacity of MUDs for parks & recreation projects (2021)
  • Helped secure an additional $1.3 Billion from the state; including $625 million to the state’s Flood Infrastructure Fund, $500 million to the Gulf Coast Protection District, and $50 million to the Lake Houston Dam Improvement Project (2023)

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Fact Sheet

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